The foundation looks at elevating the socio economic status of people by addressing their needs with a major focus on eradicating Hunger.
Brought into fruition under the auspices of our mentor and father figure Nat who although no longer with us, continues to be our inspiration.
NAT Foundation (a NOT FOR PROFIT organization) which is registered under the Bombay Public Trust Act 1950, endeavours to not just keep his vision alive but also to ensure that it spreads far and wide.
The unifying urge to do good has compelled us to pool our limited resources and give back to society in almost every conceivable way possible.
Right from delivering cooked/ uncooked food, to helping delivery boys with refurbished donated cycles, to sponsoring players in newly introduced sports like pickleball, to conducting blood donation drives, to providing monetary aid for orphanages and old age homes, to sponsoring the education of those without the means, to renovating/ refurbishing places of worship, to bringing smiles on the faces of innocent tots with used toys, to creating job opportunities in the process.....the list to be perfectly honest is rather exhaustive and beyond the scope of a mere introduction.
It goes without saying that all of the aforementioned affairs are conducted in the most transparent and ethical manner so as to ensure that the highest standards of integrity are uphled at all times.
Our commitment to serve after all is subservient to our commitment to our benefactors.
Eradicate Hunger .We drive change from the ground so as to reach our ultimate goal of ensuring that no person sleeps on an empty stomach.
We are a force of healing and hope for individuals ,families and communities affected with the chronic disease of hunger.